The feminism movement has gotten to the fashion scene. “Agbada” pronounced /ah-gba-daa/ which is an attire traditionally regarded for Nigerian men has recently being worn in interesting ways by a lot of women. describes “Agbada” as “a four-piece male attire found among the Yoruba of southwestern Nigeria and the Republic of Benin, West Africa. It consists of a large, free-flowing outer robe (awosoke), an undervest (awotele), a pair of long trousers (sokoto), and a hat (fìla)”.

A lot of women have pulled off the agbada trend effortlessly. I noticed that women who are bold enough to rock this style usually add a bit of a feminine touch to it. It could be with the colour of the fabric or the choice of accessories. Also, this trend is for people that “have body” (pardon my pidgin lol). It means that the agbada style is better off on people who are not on the skinny side.
You have to be really careful when trying to pull off this look so you dont look anywhere near this… Lol
With the looks below, Nigerian women have proven that “what a man can wear, a woman can wear better”.

Would you rock the agbada trend? Please, share your thoughts in the comment section below.x