Style Focus: Nyane Lebajoa

Meet, Nyane Lebajoa my style focus of the week.


Nyane is a South African born fashion blogger and model based in London. Her personal style is very experimental and daring. She is quite a charm with her signature silver hair colour which leaves her looking like a black barbie doll. She is a twin to an equally fashionable sister, Mpho Lebajoa.

Nyane loves wearing loud prints, fedora hats, bold colours, distressed denim and mid riff baring clothes. She is confident in her body and shows that through daring fashion choices. Let’s take a look at some pictures depicting her style which made her fit for the Style Focus column.


What are your thoughts on Nyane’s style? Hit or miss? Also, is there anyone with an awesome personal style you would love to see on this column? Please, share your thoughts in the comment section below.x




Photos via: Instagram/nyanelebajoa

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