Rainbow Coloured Box Braids – Gotta Love It or Make It Stop?

From my Pinterest finds, rainbow coloured box braids are quite a thing in the hair industry. Box braids are a major part of “women’s hair lifeif there’s a word like that hehe. By that I mean, there’s pretty much no woman in the world (especially African) that hasn’t done box braids.

The colours available for Box braids has switched up really big. From the usual colour 1 (black) , color 33 (brown) , gold colour to brighter colors in recent times.

Bright yellow box braids

I guess it’s because women have become a bit more daring with their fashion/beauty choices.

Guyssss………people move about in braids with really extreme colours like neon, yellow and green to say the least.

Does it look cute in photos?

Oh yes it does…

Can I try it?

Oh no I can’t lol.

I guess it’s because I’m a bit conservative and would rather avoid anything that brings excessive attention my way. Plus…. I am Nigerian and Nigerians stare a lot and church people would see me as “worldly lol ? ? ?.

Oh well, on to you guys. What are your earnest thoughts on rainbow coloured braids? Can you totally pull it off?

I want to read your thoughts especially if you are Nigerian haha because I know that for Western readers in the U.S, Canada or Australia this is like ” the summer-ready hairstyle” lol.

Credit: All images are via Pinterest.

Multi coloured braids

Jumbo Braids with different colours

Coloured braids styles

Coloured braids for black women

Colored curly braids

Rainbow braids for white girls

Box braids with colours in the back

Mixed color braids

Orange and brown wool braids

Colorful braids hairstyle

Rainbow box braids

Rainbow color Bob marley

Dark green braids

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