Oatmeal Turmeric Face Mask

Turmeric has a long history of healing properties, starting in India hundreds of years ago and spreading across the world to where it is easily available today.

In recent years, its popularity as a super food has led to an influx of turmeric lattes, smoothies and foods that promote health and wellness. But those are just a few of its uses, consisting of the tip of the iceberg.

Rooted in ancient Indian history, turmeric has been used in beauty regimes for thousands of years. Thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

It has become known for its abilities to:

  • even skin tone and complexion
  • reduce acne
  • brighten the skin
  • reduce oiliness
  • reduce redness

The importance of tumeric for health related issues cannot be overemphasized. Research shows that it helps with weight loss, inflammation, cancer etc.

Oatmeal turmeric mask is one of my favourite recipes for rejuvenating and evening out my skin. It cleanses and lightly exfoliates, making it a great all-in-one recipe to try.

Oatmeal meal tumeric face mask Recipe


One cup rolled oats
Two tsp grated raw turmeric (or two tbsp of powdered version)
One lime


1. Place the oats and turmeric in a glass or metal bowl (or any other vessel that cannot be stained).

2. Squeeze enough lime juice into the dry ingredients to form a paste.

3. Mix well so there are no pockets of turmeric.

4. Wash face with warm water.

5. Apply the mask to the face using small circular motions. Cover the whole face.

6. Let sit for 5-20 minutes.

7. Rinse off with warm water, pat dry with an old towel and moisturize as desired.

Turmeric can stain so be sure to use an old towel to dry your face and to place a towel on your pillow before sleeping.

DO NOT leave the mask on for extended period of time as it will stain the skin yellow. Test out the mask on your forearm to determine how long you can leave the mask on for without changing colour.

If it stains, don’t worry. It will wash out in a day or so.

Written by Evarinya of mistinthemoutains.co.za

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