Jesta Opens Up On Life As A Comedian

Meet Jesta, a.k.a Samuel Patrick Edem, a Comedian and Event Compere. I knew I had to feature him on the blog after a recent visit to Uyo. I was at one of his shows where he literally cracked me up.

You guys…………..this man has got cool jokes ?. If you live in Uyo and have never heard of Jesta, word just got out “the joke is on you sis ?.

In a brief interview session with us, he opened up about life as a comedian and his journey so far. The excerpts from this interview is a great read for young people who would love to pursue a career in comedy…..

Why did you choose the name “Jesta”

I wanted something unique. In the industry most comedians bear funny names. It’s not bad but I wanted something away from the norm. I didn’t want the usual ‘ MC this…. MC that”.

Funny enough, Jesta sounds like my real name now, I don’t think up to 20 people know me as Samuel Edem. When did you start comedy?

I started comedy in Secondary school. I was in ss3 at the time. Youth corpers were at my school for a talent hunt show. When it was time for comedy, my friends were like ‘Sammy you should go” because they knew I was funny. I went out and it was amazing.

I took 2nd position and represented my school in Akwa ibom state.

How did you start comedy at the University and what did you study?

I studied Communication Arts. At Uni, my friend “Leki ” (a musician) was the first person to give me a platform to perform. I would go to room 27 at Boys’ Hostel to crack jokes and Leki was in that room.

My first performance was at Uniuyo Communication Arts Night. Leki introduced me to the Director of Socials who gave me a pass to perform on stage. My first performance on stage was successful. Jesta comedian

You mean, there was no boo at all?

No boo at all…….. I’ve never been boo’ed off stage.

But have you ever had an experience where the first joke wasn’t funny and the audience didn’t like it?

Definitely but the feeling may be in my mind and not necessarily in the mind of the audience. At second base 2010, Timaya performed and someone threw orange at me.

It wasn’t like I didn’t perform well, the audience wanted music and I didn’t really know the nitty gritty of stage performance. There are times you don’t go on stage. Like when the ovation is high.

You know music is very powerful. I was cracking jokes and people were laughing. Suddenly one man said “comot for that place I wan hear music”

Immediately, someone threw orange at me. ‘I no know who dey chew orange around 3am for night”. I can’t forget that experience .

Tell us about your first SOLO comedy show ‘’ JOKES GONE WILD”

It was fantastic. The planning was hectic but it turned out successful. My guy Nasiru was the brain behind it.

At what point did you think you could actually host a SOLO comedy show especially in a place like Uyo where the people don’t turn up for things like that.

I was sitting outside my house with Nasiru when he brought up the idea for my show Jokes Gone Wild. But I was kinda scared a little because in as much as I’m known for comedy in Uyo, I also wondered if people would turn up for the show.

Jesta jokes gone wild Like what would people think of it? We started with a “coming soon” poster online and the reception was massive.

So even with students not being in town due to ASUU strike, the show was sold out?

Yes it was sold out

Who was your native doctor?

*in igbo accent* The Lord Jesus is my native doctor. God did it. Well, I expected the strike to be called off before the 27th of January even if ASUU their head no correct.

I was happy with the people who turned up. My manager ‘ Folarin Adeojo” said that the people who turned up were my main fans and that’s true.

They didn’t come out because they were bored, they came out because they wanted to watch Jesta. I think I gave people a run for their money. Mc jesta

Can you say that’s the highlight of your comedy career so far?

Yes, for now. I’m planning towards “JOKES GONE WILD SEASON 2 in December. So y’all should anticipate.

What’s your fan base like online? Do you do online comedy skits?

I’m an offline stand up comedian for now but I’m planning towards that. Online comedy is a faster way to blow because the world is now digital. With online comedy you’ve got to do something that is unique.

Kevin Hart said “Comedy is not what I do, Comedy is who I am”. I will go into online comedy when I find something unique. That way, I won’t lack content.

Is there any special joke you use for cheering an audience?

Yes. the joke is my national anthem. I have 2 of those kind of jokes that can give me a standing ovation in the dullest crowd.

Ever had an awkward moment where you cracked a joke and people were like “Oh they’ve heard it before”

I don’t know but I don’t repeat jokes too often. Like my national anthem joke, I don’t repeat it anyhow even though I know it’s a killer any day, anytime. I try to train myself to create new content.

How do you create new content for jokes? What’s the process like? Where do you get inspiration from?

Inspiration comes from anything at all. I try to find jokes in everything because I know what can make people laugh.

Have you ever forgotten a joke on stage?

I no go lie oo, so many times. It’s ancestral spirit from my father’s side” LOL ?? There was a day, I went on stage, took the mic and it was as if someone typed “FORMAT’ in my brain. I forgot everything. So I try to put my jokes on reminder with different headlines.

Have you ever said an abusive joke that got someone annoyed?

I try not to make offensive jokes and sometimes when I pick on people in the crowd, I try to make jokes around people I know.

Who is your mentor?

I have different mentors. My mentors when it comes to grace is Basket mouth and Akpororo. They have a lot of grace and they are genuinely loved by people.

For stardom, I like Basket mouth and Kevin Hart. Kevin Hart is a force to reckon with. For content, I like is Oke Bakassi because he does intentional comedy.

Jesta biography

Do you have other talents apart from making people laugh?

I’m a good singer. I used to be an assistant choir master in church.

It’s a wrap on our interview with Jesta the Comedian. To get in touch with Jesta for Events, find him on Instagram @jesta_comedian . If you love this post, you will love our Exclusive interview with Funny Toheeb the Instagram celebrity outfit re-creator.

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