4 ways to easily identify fake handbags

Before I mention ways to easily identify fake handbags, First things first; “Original has nothing to do with Designer”. A bag mustn’t be from a high end luxury brand before it can be termed original. An original bag in my term is a bag that is durable because nothing puts anyone off like buying a bag only to end up with this ?

How to know fake vs original handbags
See the frayed edge? Image via: warfieldfamily.com

Or worst case scenario, this ? after 3 months of handling lol.

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how to identify fake handbags

That cleared, here’s how to know if the bag you plan to purchase is original or not


Sad but true, if you are being realistic, you wouldn’t expect a brand “NEW” durable bag within a certain price range. If the price is too low, it is a fake handbag and certainly won’t last.

If it’s too high, it doesn’t mean it is durable either. That is why you have to look out for other qualities.

The bag material can help identify fake handbags

If it’s leather, it should smell and feel like leather. Pinch and rub your fingers vigorously on any side of the bag to see if it will peel away. If it does, it’s durability should be questioned.

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The Stitching

A well made bag should have neat/even stitching. Sloppy, slanted and uneven stitching is an obvious sign of a poorly made bag. Stitching is a great way to identify fake handbags

Little details that acutally mean a lot.

Watch out to uneven colour variation on the zipper, chain,stud,buckle and hooks. A good bag either has gold coloured zip & hooks or silver coloured Zip & hooks. It can never have both.

If a bag has both, it means that the gold colour has actually washed out into silver.

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That equals to “DO NOT BUY IT”. Notice how the chain and logo on the bag below are both silver coloured.

4 ways to easily identify fake handbags
Original image via: drapedinbasics.com

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