Deep Conditioning Hair Mask

We’ve all been in the situation where we’re relaxing and watching TV and a shampoo commercial pops up on the screen. We see these men and women with glorious thick, shiny, smooth locks; and wonder why our hair doesn’t look like that?

The next thing you know, you’re running to the store to buy yet another product to try to revive your dull, brittle hair.

It’s expensive, so you figure it must be worth it. But when you get home, you find that it doesn’t work as well as the advertisement said it would. Another disappointment.

Well, here’s some good news. This easy-to-use hair mask can be made at home, ready for you to use it whenever your hair feels like it needs a boost! And, what’s more, it is easy on your bank balance!


[for medium length hair – recipe may be scaled up or down for varying hair lengths]


2 extra large eggs
1 tbsp honey
1-2 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
1-2 tbsp coconut oil


1. Beat the eggs and lemon juice together until foamy. The lemon juice will reduce that egg-y smell.

2. Add the coconut oil and honey to a bowl and microwave until warm. Stir in the egg mixture.

3. Work the egg mixture into dry hair. Make sure to cover all the hair, from root to tip. Clip your hair up or cover with a shower cap and leave the mixture on for approximately 20 minutes, or until sticky.

4. Thoroughly rinse off the mask with cool water.

5. Shampoo and condition your hair as you normally would.

Make sure not to use hot water while rinsing the mask off otherwise the egg will cook in your hair and be difficult to remove. Hair mask should be applied 1-2 times a month, depending on hair.

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