Blogger watch: Style Interview with Maryrose Abang

Blogger watch is a new column on the blog which covers interviews/ discussions with fashion and lifestyle bloggers around the globe on their journey into the blogosphere. On today’s segment, we have Maryrose Abang, a fashion and lifestyle blogger based in the city of Uyo. She blogs at



On this interview, she talks about her personal style and journey into to blogging.

Excerpts from the interview ?

  • If you could decribe your style in one word, what would it be?

I would say ‘artsy’. I love to rock simply wears while creating an entirely fabulous look.

  • What inspires your personal style? Are you self motivated or you just go with trends.

I love to go with trends. it’s pretty difficult for me to keep up but I know what people want to see is how you slay and what’s trending in your own style. So for now I’ll say I’m motivated by the pieces in my closet.

  • Can you tell us what your blog is about and what purpose you intend to achieve with it?

My blog is a style blog and I try as much as possible to leave my audience with better styles on every post. I hope to help others express themselves with what they wear.


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  • How did you get into fashion blogging and what inspired you?

I’ve loved fashion in like forever. When I started blogging, I was confused and didn’t know what I wanted so I started a gossip blog but after 6 months of blogging, I found myself in Cassie Daves blog . Then, I knew I needed to start a fashion blog. Two bloggers inspired me, Cassie Daves and Grace Alex of Gafashion. Also, the need to relate with others through my style inspired me.

  • A lot of people (Nigerians especially) since Linda bought her mansion are of the opinion that Bloggers are into blogging for financial gain. Do you see yourself in that category? Are you solely in for the money?

If it was solely for the money, I don’t think I would still be blogging, I’ve been blogging for one year and some months now and don’t think I’ve made really good cash from blogging. But the recognition, the new people I’ve met, the growth and the awesome comments I get from my audience keeps me going. So, I am not solely in for the money.

  • Since you entered the fashion blogosphere, what benefits have you acheived and how has blogging made you a better person?

Generally, blogging has changed me into a whole new person and I’ve achieved a lot like the connection with my audience/ other bloggers. Blogging has opened me to a lot of opportunities(e.g working with brands). Blogging has made me a happier and positive person. I was a girl with low self esteem but blogging has helped in my personal growth.

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  • What is your most exciting and most terrifying moment since u started blogging ?

My most exciting moment was the day I got my domain name while my most terrifying moment was the day my photographer didn’t show up for a shoot.


  • Who are your favourite fashion bloggers and why?

Cassie Daves, I love her style and the way she writes. She inspires me every day of my life. Another person is Grace Alex of Gafashion, her style is completely out this world and affordable too. Also, Nonye of thisthingcalledfashion is one blogger I admire so much, I don’t know how she does it but her style is everything.

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  • If you could splurge on one thing, what would it be?

It so hard to pick one thing to splurge on since I love everything wearable but glittering accessories, oh! How I love them, they make affordable outfit look super expensive.

  • Name one fashion accessory you can’t leave home without? Something that if you are already 15 mins away from home, you would rush back to get?

Honestly, I’m a very lazy person and I wouldn’t rush back to get anything even if it’s my phone. 

  • Are you a Sneakers babe or a Heels babe?

Sneakers, I have lots of them, I mean how do people walk on heels?


  • Any regrets or things you wish you knew since you started blogging?

If I did proper research before starting a blog, I wouldn’t have opened a gossip blog. What did I know? I wanted to be like Linda Ikeji.

  • Finally, what advice do you have for Newbie/Intending bloggers?

Do your research properly, don’t let anyone pressure you into starting a blog. If you’re a good writer, fine, just know that blogging isn’t about writing alone. Finally, blog what you love. That way, you’d never run out of ideas/blog posts.

So, that’s all on our interview session with Maryrose Abang. I Hope you enjoyed it and learnt a thing or two. Who would you like us to interview next? Please, Leave your suggestions in the comment box below? . While at it, don’t forget to show some love on her blog

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