5 Ways To Avoid Pain While Wearing Heels

Whether you believe it or yes, one of the ways to show you have metamorphosed  transitioned successfully from a girl to a full-grown woman is your ability to walk in heels (don’t come for me, *coughs lol). I’m not insinuating that wearing heels is paramount as a woman but it’s just one of those things you get to deal with when adulting. 

Well, just like a lot of things, everybody loves heels but not everybody loves to wear heels. The reason for the latter is pain. Wearing heels sometimes comes with pain which nobody loves. 

Here are 5 tips to avoid pain when wearing heels

  1. Get some backup: how-to-avoid-foot-pain-from-heels Yup! you read that right baby girl, get some back up. And by backup, I mean (extra slippers or flats LOL). If anyone tries to complain at the sight of your extra footwear, un-friend them (THEY DON’T WANT YOUR PROGRESS IN LIFE LOL). Getting a back up footwear goes a long way to relieve foot ache that may occur from wearing heels over a long period. 

2. Break into your shoe: After you buy a new pair of heels, do not wait until the morning of the event you intend to wear it. Instead, practice wearing it around your house over and over again until your feet gets used to it. This is to avoid any hunching pain minutes into stepping out.

3. Take baby steps: When walking in heels, take smaller steps to ensure low pressure on your foot. Regardless of any situation, never, ever run in heels. 

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4. Less is more: No matter how much you’ve come to love wearing heels, do not wear them everyday. Always limit wearing of heels to at least 3 – 4 times a week to avoid future problems like back ache or ankle pain. The same goes for the number of hours you choose to wear heels in a day. You shouldn’t be up standing in heels ( i.e actively walking) for hours in a stretch. Take a break please.

5. Pamper your feet: After a day or session of wearing heels, it is wise to treat your feet to a bit of massage


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