101 ways to remove fabric stains

Ever wondered how to get rid of stubborn stains from tea, stew, blood , lipstick etc. off your favourite clothes? On the table below, we have summarized the best and most effective ways to get rid of stains on fabric.

BLOOD Sponge with cold water immediately it occurs Soak with cold water if the stain is fresh. If the stain is dried, soak in warm water with a product containing enzyme Flush stain with cold water. Apply diluted vinegar to the stain. Rinse spot with cool water
TEA OR COFFEE Sponge with cool water right away if possible. Soak stain in cool water. Pre-treat with detergent. Launder with chlorine bleach if safe for fabric , or colour-safe bleach Apply diluted white vinegar to the stain and flush the spot with cool water.
LIPSTICK As soon as you are able to apply special treatment. Don’t use water. Instead, rub mineral oil into the stain and let it set for 15 minutes. Blot excess oil then sponge with 1 part ammonia and 2 parts of water. Rinse thoroughly Same procedure as washables except wool or silk, which cannot be treated with ammonia and must be dry cleaned
INK As soon as possible Pre-treat with stain remover and launder as usual. If stain remains, place on clean paper towels. Apply alcohol to stain, Rinse well and launder Apply a solution of 1 part glycerin, 1 part white dish-washing detergent and 8 parts water and a few drops of white vinegar. Let if stand 30 minutes, adding solution to keep it moist. Rinse!
PERSPIRATION As soon as possible Use ammonia solution for fresh stains and white vinegar for old stains. Rinse and launder using hottest water safe for fabric. Use diluted white vinegar for stained spot. Follow up with cool water
RED WINE Blot with a clean dry cloth immediately Cover the stain with salt ad stretch over a bowl. Pour boiling water on the stained spot . Launder. If the stain still remains, apply dilute vinegar, flush with cool water and launder thereafter. Apply diluted vinegar to the stain then flush the spot with cool water. Launder..
SAUCES Sponge with cold water right away if possible Apply dilute white vinegar to the stain. Flush spot thoroughly with cool water. Pretreat with rewash stain remover and launder. Apply diluted vinegar to the stain then flush the spot with cool water. Launder.
PAINT For water base paint: rinse in warm water right way. For oil base paint, as soon as possible  Water base: Rinse in warm water while stain is wet.Launder.

Oil base paint: If the label on the paint recommends a thinner, use that solvent for stain removal, or try turpentine. Rinse and launder

Water base paint: Sponge wet stain with water and blot with diluted dish-washing soap solution. Rinse,.

Oil based paint: Blot excess stain and take the fabric to dry cleaners

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